Salt SchedulingΒΆ

In Salt versions greater than 0.12.0, the scheduling system allows incremental executions on minions or the master. The schedule system exposes the execution of any execution function on minions or any runner on the master.

To set up the scheduler on the master add the schedule option to the master config file.

To set up the scheduler on the minion add the schedule option to the minion config file or to the minion's pillar.

The schedule option defines jobs which execute at certain intervals. To set up a highstate to run on a minion every 60 minutes set this in the minion config or pillar:

    function: state.highstate
    minutes: 60

Time intervals can be specified as seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Runner executions can also be specified on the master within the master configuration file:

    function: state.over
    seconds: 35
    minutes: 30
    hours: 3

The above configuration will execute the state.over runner every 3 hours, 30 minutes and 35 seconds, or every 12,635 seconds.

The scheduler is also useful for tasks like gathering monitoring data about a minion, this schedule option will gather status data and send it to a mysql returner database:

    function: status.uptime
    seconds: 60
    returner: mysql
    function: status.meminfo
    minutes: 5
    returner: mysql

Since specifying the returner repeatedly can be tiresome, the schedule_returner option is available to specify one or a list of global returners to be used by the minions when scheduling.

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