Salt Runners

Salt runners are convenience applications executed with the salt-run command.

A Salt runner can be a simple client call, or a complex application.

The use for a Salt runner is to build a frontend hook for running sets of commands via Salt or creating special formatted output.

Writing Salt Runners

Salt runners can be easily written, the work in a similar way to Salt modules except they run on the server side.

A runner is a Python module that contains functions, each public function is a runner that can be executed via the salt-run command.

If a Python module named is created in the runners directory and contains a function called foo then the function could be called with:

# salt-run


The best examples of runners can be found in the Salt source:

A simple runner that returns a well-formatted list of the minions that are responding to Salt calls would look like this:

# Import salt modules
import salt.client

def up():
    Print a list of all of the minions that are up
    client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__['config'])
    minions = client.cmd('*', '', timeout=1)
    for minion in sorted(minions):
        print minion

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