
Support for YUM


Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.

If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.available_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...'', oper='==', pkg2='')

Compare two version strings.

CLI Example:

salt '*' '0.2.4-0' '<' ''
salt '*' pkg1='0.2.4-0' oper='<' pkg2=''
salt.modules.yumpkg5.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)

Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to clean the yum database before package is installed.


The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please note that this option can only be used to install packages from a software repository. To install a package file manually, use the "sources" option.

CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
Whether or not to update the yum database before executing.
Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., --nogpgcheck)
Install a specific version of the package, e.g. 1.2.3-4.el5. Ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" is passed.

Repository Options:

Specify a package repository (or repositories) from which to install. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='somerepo')
enablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
Specify a disabled package repository (or repositories) to enable. (e.g., yum --enablerepo='somerepo')
disablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
Specify an enabled package repository (or repositories) to disable. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='somerepo')

Multiple Package Installation Options:


A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be passed as a python list. A specific version number can be specified by using a single-element dict representing the package and its version.

CLI Examples::
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4.el5"}]'

A list of RPM packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts, with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI or local path to the package.

CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"},{"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'

Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:

{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
               'new': '<new-version>'}}

List the packages currently installed in a dict:

{'<package_name>': '<version>'}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs

Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
salt.modules.yumpkg5.perform_cmp(pkg1='', pkg2='')

Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem making the comparison.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.perform_cmp '0.2.4-0' ''
salt '*' pkg.perform_cmp pkg1='0.2.4-0' pkg2=''
salt.modules.yumpkg5.purge(pkg, **kwargs)

Yum does not have a purge, this function calls remove

Return a list containing the removed packages:

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>

Since yum refreshes the database automatically, this runs a yum clean, so that the next yum operation will have a clean database

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
salt.modules.yumpkg5.remove(pkg, **kwargs)

Remove a single package with yum remove

Return a list containing the removed packages:

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>

Run a full system upgrade, a yum upgrade

Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:

{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
               'new': '<new-version>'}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.upgrade

Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>

Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...

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