
The Saltutil module is used to manage the state of the salt minion itself. It is used to manage minion modules as well as automate updates to the salt minion

  • esky Python module for update functionality

Return the data for a specific job id

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.find_job <job id>

If the named function is running return the data associated with it/them. The argument can be a glob

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.is_running state.highstate

Sends a kill signal (SIGKILL 9) to the named salt job's process

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.kill_job <job id>

Queue the minion to refresh the pillar data.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar

Return the data on all running salt processes on the minion

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.running
salt.modules.saltutil.signal_job(jid, sig)

Sends a signal to the named salt job's process

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.signal_job <job id> 15

Sync down all of the dynamic modules from the file server for a specific environment

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_all

Sync the grains from the _grains directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _grains directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_grains

Sync the modules from the _modules directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _modules directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_modules

Sync the outputters from the _outputters directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _outputters directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_outputters

Sync the renderers from the _renderers directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _renderers directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_renderers

Sync the returners from the _returners directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _returners directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_returners

Sync the states from the _states directory on the salt master file server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment to grab the contents of the _states directory, base is the default environment.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.sync_states

Sends a termination signal (SIGTERM 15) to the named salt job's process

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.term_job <job id>

Update the salt minion from the url defined in opts['update_url']

This feature requires the minion to be running a bdist_esky build.

The version number is optional and will default to the most recent version available at opts['update_url'].

Returns details about the transaction upon completion.

CLI Example:

salt '*' saltutil.update 0.10.3

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