
Pkgutil support for Solaris


The available version of the package in the repository

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.available_version CSWpython'', oper='==', pkg2='')

Compare two version strings.

CLI Example:

salt '*' '0.2.4-0' '<' ''
salt '*' pkg1='0.2.4-0' oper='<' pkg2=''
salt.modules.pkgutil.install(name, refresh=False, version=None, **kwargs)

Install the named package using the pkgutil tool.

Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:

{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
               'new': '<new-version>'}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.install <package_name>
salt '*' pkgutil.install SMClgcc346

List the packages currently installed as a dict:

{'<package_name>': '<version>'}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.list_pkgs

List all available package upgrades on this system

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.list_upgrades
salt.modules.pkgutil.perform_cmp(pkg1='', pkg2='')

Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem making the comparison.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkg.perform_cmp '0.2.4-0' ''
salt '*' pkg.perform_cmp pkg1='0.2.4-0' pkg2=''
salt.modules.pkgutil.purge(name, **kwargs)

Remove a package and all its dependencies which are not in use by other packages.

Returns a list containing the removed packages.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.purge <package name>

Updates the pkgutil repo database (pkgutil -U)

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.refresh_db
salt.modules.pkgutil.remove(name, **kwargs)

Remove a package and all its dependencies which are not in use by other packages.

Returns a list containing the removed packages.

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.remove <package name>
salt '*' pkgutil.remove SMCliconv
salt.modules.pkgutil.upgrade(refresh=True, **kwargs)

Upgrade all of the packages to the latest available version.

Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:

{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
               'new': '<new-version>'}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.upgrade

Check if there is an upgrade available for a certain package

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.upgrade_available CSWpython

Returns a version if the package is installed, else returns an empty string

CLI Example:

salt '*' pkgutil.version CSWpython

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