
Work with cron


Return the contents of the specified user's crontab

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.list_tab root

Return the contents of the specified user's crontab

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.list_tab root

Return the contents of the user's crontab

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.raw_cron root
salt.modules.cron.rm(user, minute, hour, dom, month, dow, cmd)

Remove a cron job for a specified user.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.rm_job root \* \* \* \* 1 /usr/local/weekly
salt.modules.cron.rm_env(user, name)

Remove cron environment variable for a specified user.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.rm_env root MAILTO
salt.modules.cron.rm_job(user, minute, hour, dom, month, dow, cmd)

Remove a cron job for a specified user.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.rm_job root \* \* \* \* 1 /usr/local/weekly
salt.modules.cron.set_env(user, name, value=None)

Set up an environment variable in the crontab.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.set_env root MAILTO
salt.modules.cron.set_job(user, minute, hour, dom, month, dow, cmd)

Sets a cron job up for a specified user.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.set_job root \* \* \* \* 1 /usr/local/weekly
salt.modules.cron.set_special(user, special, cmd)

Set up a special command in the crontab.

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.set_special @hourly 'echo foobar'
salt.modules.cron.write_cron_file(user, path)

Writes the contents of a file to a user's crontab

CLI Example:

salt '*' cron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron

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