

salt-key [ options ]


Salt-key executes simple management of Salt server public keys used for authentication.


-h, --help

Print a usage message briefly summarizing these command-line options.

-l, --list

List the unaccepted minion public keys.

-L, --list-all

List all public keys on this Salt master: accepted, pending, and rejected.

-a ACCEPT, --accept=ACCEPT

Accept the named minion public key for command execution.

-A, --accept-all

Accepts all pending public keys.

-r REJECT, --reject=REJECT

Reject the named minion public key.

-R, --reject-all

Rejects all pending public keys.

-d DELETE, --delete=DELETE

Delete the named minion key or minion keys matching a glob for command execution.

-D, --delete-all

Delete all keys

-c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir

The location of the Salt configuration directory, this directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.

-p PRINT, --print=PRINT

Print the specified public key

-P, --print-all

Print all public keys

-q, --quiet

Supress output

-y, --yes

Answer 'Yes' to all questions presented, defaults to False


Send all output to a file. Default is /var/log/salt/key


Set a name to generate a keypair for use with salt


Set the directory to save the generated keypair. Only works with 'gen_keys_dir' option; default is the current directory.


Set the keysize for the generated key, only works with the '--gen-keys' option, the key size must be 2048 or higher, otherwise it will be rounded up to 2048. The default is 2048.


Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This outputter can be any of the available outputters: grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions, for instance the grains outputter will not work for non grains data. If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the python pprint library.

--out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT

Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disables indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.


Disable all colored output


Show program's version number and exit


Show program's dependencies version number and exit

See also

salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)

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